I am TheSandDoctor

English Wikipedia Administrator,Wikimedia Global Renamer,Bot Approvals Group member,Bot Developer,Bot Operator,DeprecatedFixerBot,TweetCiteBot,TheSandBot,Editor,Skeleton free

About me

Hi there! I'm a computer science major by day, Wikipedia editor/administrator (since 16 June 2018) and bot operator by night. This is my website, feel free to take a look around. I live in western Canada and, contrary to what some might believe, the weather actually isn't that bad here. As an example, I haven't seen positive 40C in years. Then again, who can actually see temperatures? 😀 Seriously though, the rest of what I just said is true.

I have always had an interest in classic rock (the original rock and roll) and have been surrounded by the genre for most of my life. I may be younger than some, but I don't 'get' the "hip" and "cool" music of nowadays. I prefer music from a generation I am not a part of, the 60s-70s. The Rolling Stones and Beatles have been the soundtrack of my life. But, as the saying goes, to each their own.

If you want to talk about Wikipedia or the Rolling Stones, I am more than happy to do so.

What I actually do (on-wiki)

When I am not working on any of my three bots (DeprecatedFixerBot, TweetCiteBot, TheSandBot), I tend to spend my time patrolling for vandalism, reviewing newly created pages before they are indexed by major search engines, and helping out new users. If you have any questions about Wikipedia, I am one of the people you could contact with your questions. If I don't know the answer, odds are I can find someone who does and get back to you. Please keep in mind though that while I try to respond to all messages in a timely manner and am usually fairly quick, responses may take some time. It is important to keep in mind that, with the exception of Wikimedia Foundation staff who typically do not edit articles in an official capacity anyways, we are all volunteers and do this in our spare time.









In The Press

I am open to talking with the press and answering questions which they may have about Wikipedia, articles on the site, and other things of that nature where I am technically and legally able. Of course, I will defer/refer to press [at] wikimedia.org when appropriate, but routine questions that administrators and other editors usually get I will happily answer and do not believe necessitate bothering the busy people at press [at] wikimedia.org.

It goes without saying though that in talking with such outlets, I am not speaking on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation or acting in any official capacity. I am a firm believer in the necessity of a free press in a free and democratic society. My efforts are merely to improve the encyclopedia, help others to understand how it works, and to help clarify and correct errors or outdated information in reports when necessary and able.


Want to see what I've been up to?


DeprecatedFixerBot reaches 100,000 edits

DeprecatedFixerBot has now made over 100,000 edits across more than 97,890 articles on the English Wikipedia. Both of...

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Template:Track listing deprecated parameter removal complete

The three deprecated parameters for the English Wikipedia template “Track listing” have now been completely cleared o...

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